
Family Fun: Grand River Smallmouth Fishing

Smallmouth bass fishing is a great family activity and it is promoted and celebrated every year in Ontario on the Grand River.

Lake Erie Summer Smallmouth FishingThe Grand River is the largest river entirely within southern Ontario’s borders and drains into lake Erie. It boasts a fantastic smallmouth bass population and is home to the Grand River Bass Derby.

This year, hundreds of people took part in the 27th annual Bass Derby and is the largest bass fishing tournament in Ontario.

This year there were 500 participants that were competing for 300 prizes.

Despite the many participants, the impact on the fish population is minor because the derby is a live release event. Anglers are also asked to indicate the general area where they caught their fish so organizers can ensure they are released into the same area.

“It’s a great idea for people to learn that you can have a fishing tournament where the fish are treated with respect and released back into their native waters,” Burkhardt said.  Source

The great thing about this tournament is that this is a family event that highlights the fact that many of us have the opportunity to fish for smallmouth bass in river s and streams where we live and are accessible on foot or in a small boat or canoe.

Be sure to look out for these types of events where you live and include your family and friends in the fun.