
Is the Susquehanna Unhealthy?

Is the Susquehanna unhealthy? The PA state DEP wants proof. They look at the black spots, the red sores and the samples of reproductive organs that show there are large number of fish in some areas that have a mixture of male and female reproductive tissue. For study, click here.

The PA Dept of Environemental Protection is stonewalling against doing anything to help the Susquehanna River. They say they want proof on a problem but are unwilling to look at the data that shows that fish are diseased, have high rates of problems such as intersex characteristics and poor reproduction.

Is the Susquehanna Unhealthy?

… anglers and the state Fish and Boat Commission, a 98-mile stretch of the Susquehanna River cannot be declared “impaired” without proper testing and data identifying the cause of environmental problems that may be causing lesions in smallmouth bass, …

Krancer said Thursday what he told Arway in the letter: An impairment designation is not warranted without proof that the river is unhealthy. The black spot condition is said to be found on fish in the river since 1980 and in 11 states. Source

Its a catch 22 because they won’t do anything until there is a proven problem but won’t pursue the testing and analysis of the industries and contaminants in the water until there is proof. So is the Susky unhealthy? The DEP doesn’t really care. That’s the bottom line.