Lake Huron Smallmouth Fishing

We are always on the lookout for more underexplored smallmouth bass fishing opportunities. Lake Huron smallmouth fishing hasn’t really been recognized because it is overshadowed by the other species that were traditionally fished for there. In the lower 2/3 of the lake, the Chinook Salmon population has declined due to a lack of alewives. However, the smallmouth bass population has exploded with fat, happy bronzebacks feeding on the round Gobie. Check it out!

Lake Huron Smallmouth Fishing

Why is nobody fishing in Lake Huron?

Don’t try to blame the fish.

From the smallest prey fish to the most prized game fish, Lake Huron is looking better than it has in half a decade. Except for one species, that is. Chinook salmon still don’t get it that the lake’s food web is never going to be the same as it was a decade ago, before alewives disappeared from Lake Huron.

Smallmouth bass, for instance, are thriving on gobies. Jim Johnson from the DNR called smallmouths, “the fish of the future” that are perfectly situated to take advantage of what he called “smallmouth candy” — round gobies. Original article here

In addition, there is successful fishing being reported by fly fishermen going for the beautiful brown trout that pulling in some amazing smallies as well. Here is a report from our friends at

Late March and early April have been ideal for streamer fishing the shoreline of Lake Huron! Nice to see more brown trout this spring. With the very warm spring Smallmouth have also been very active. The key to finding trout is following the bait fish around and the big smallmouth are mixed right in with the trout. Original report here

If you live in the area or are planning a Great Lakes fishing trip, consider hitting Lake Huron. The Lake Huron smallmouth fishing is great right now! If you know anyone that might be interested in this article, pass it on by clicking LIKE or TWEET below. Comments are always welcome as well!

Photo coutesy of