
BASS Elite Series Toledo Bend Smallmouth?

Smallmouth Buffalo

Will we see any BASS Elite series Toledo Bend smalllmouth?

Since our interest here at Everything Smallmouth is of course smallmouth bass fishing, we are keeping our eye on the BASS Elite series tournaments this year looking out for any role that smallmouth bass may play in these tournament lakes.

To put it bluntly, Toledo Bend is an awesome Largemouth bass lake but I have found no evidence that smallmouth bass exist here. Florida largemouths were introduced here and it has become a trophy bass lake with 10 lb plus fish becoming fairly common.

Toledo Bend Smallmouth Buffalo

In researching whether there are smallouth bass in Toledo Bend, I came across the strange Smallmouth Buffalo… Ictiobus bubalus.

I thought it would be fun to give a bit of information about this unusual fish.

From the Texas Park and Wildlife Service:

Ictiobus and bubalus are both Greek words meaning “bull fish” and “buffalo”, respectively. The back and sides are light brown or otherwise dark with a coppery or greenish tent. The belly is pale yellow to white. Smallmouth buffalo scales are large, and the species sometimes be confused with common carp by the novice. Original source

From Wikipedia:

The smallmouth buffalo is a hardy fish that frequents clear, moderate to fast-moving streams but has been occasionally known in some lakes and ponds. If prefers waters with dense aquatic vegetation and a silty bottom. It has a high tolerance for hard water and can survive in waters with pH ranges of 6.5–8.5.

Although considered by many to be a rough fish, smallmouth buffalo is the most common commercially sold freshwater fish in the United States. The species is highly valued by some as a human food source and the fish meal is common in animal feed. They are relatively quick and easy to raise in commercial farm ponds. Anglers seeking to hook a smallmouth buffalo have found success with doughballs and corn on hooks.  Original source

According to Wikipedia, this is the most commonly sold freshwater commercial fish…strange. Must be all in fish meal!

While there is no smallmouth bass in Toledo Bend for the Elite anglers to contend with, we did find out there is the smallmouth buffalo.

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