
Best Smallmouth Fishing In Michigan

Best Michigan Smallmouth?

Where is the best smallmouth fishing in Michigan?  So you are blessed to be living in or going to visit Michigan and want to know where to go to enjoy some of the best smallmouth bass fishing the country has to offer.  The waters, climate and habitat found in Michigan will offer you some of the best opportunities to have a blast catching some beautiful bronzebacks in the home state of Kevin Van Dam.

Best Smallmouth Fishing In Michigan

Check out the nice article by our friend Eric Sharp at the Detroit Free Press reviewing the best locations in Michigan for bass fishing.

So it was a pleasant surprise when Bassmaster Magazine recently named its top 100 bass lakes. Not only did Michigan have a toehold in the top 10 (Lake Erie), it had another in the top 20 and four total.

Michigan’s top bass lakes include Lake Charlevoix, Mullet Lake, Thunder Bay (Lake Huron), Burt Lake, Lake St. Clair, Grand Traverse Bay (Lake Michigan)

Check them out here


In addition, here’s a bit more advice from Jonathan Van Dam on the best smallmouth fishing in Michigan

Michigan is such a large state with unbelievable natural resources and crazy numbers of lakes, streams and rivers.  Make it a point to get there and enjoy the fishing.

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