Recently, we asked our fans what they do when the wind starts whipping.
What do you do? Do you suck your thumb and go home? Do you cry and curse the weather man, the Gods, etc?
Well our readers gave these answers!Fishing in the wind…
Jodey Bruce The wind is a whore that knows no master…. She starts and ends all earths disasters.
Donald Adams: that would push baitfish into the cove.
Kenny Clarkson: put a sinker on the line lol
Shane Richard: Become lazy, and let the waves work my bait, caught a lot of walleye exactly like that
Erin Caroline: Bitch, swear and pull my hood up
Gabriel Falcon: I say, I hope this wind dies down because I’m gonna have a hell of a time getting my boat on the trailer
Jeremy Galloway: Find the shore its blowing against.
Matt DeVore: .. try to fish with the wind at my back & cast 40 feet further
Joe Wilson: Use heavier bait and keep my rod tip to.the water so my line is still straight
James Ursu: Take a swig of whiskey
Mike Cole: I say thank you Lord!!! Then get out start looking for a rocky bank with waves slapping it…as I tie on a flat side….and a blade….
Richard Farquer: Tied on a spinnerbait and hooked up fat
Jamie Carson: Break out the SPINNERBAIT and find the windiest points!!!
Andy Ralph: Complain
Linda Lewis-Solsky: Move my kayak or my row boat to the back side of an island or where wooded land cuts a bit of the wind.. and keep fishing
Jesse Hall: Get out the swimbaits
David Bell: close my eye’s, breathe in deep and smile.
Matthew Tipton: Go heavier!! & keep it moving!!
Charles D King: fished shore-line with the wind to my back. The bait-fish get pushed into the shore,which brings in the predators.
KRend Ill: I. i.. i cry.. i cry when i get to the river,, and its miles and miles of wind. blowing me down.. =[
Randy Ramer: the wind is my friend
Jesse Myers: Take some ibuprofen, cause a windy day on St. Clair is no picnic, even in my 621!
Robert Aguirre: use it to my advantage
Ted DiBenedetto: Keep fishing!!!
Bill Hines: Keep fishin, lol…
Todd Dame: Ur an asshole Larry. Lmfao
Todd Dame: Bitch that its windy on my one frickin day off!!!
Kris Kapps: Keep fishing
John Rozgony: throw a fluke into the wind with 20lb flouro
Justin Time Allen Richter: Put down the baitcaster and throw my spinning setup if it’s really blowing
Tayler Brooks: Start drinkin
Bill Heidt: Pinch on a split shot.
Josh Keeton: Whine a lil and keep fishing
Kevin Warner: Spend 20 mins pulling out rats nests lol
Stewart Mainville: go upwind and throw out the driftsock.
Jonathon Patterson: Get blown around in my canoe!
Brenda Layman: Put away my flyrod and switch to spincasting.
Valerie Priest Hanifen: Puke
Andrew Davies Throw a spinnerbiat!
Brian Singleton: Get the spinner baits out
Damien Robert Gervais: Take a piss
Jay R. Grave: FInd a rocky point to fish. The rougher the better.
Lee Rippee: Keep fishing
Jeremy Conkwright: Turn trolling motor on high face into it and keep fishing cause smallmouth going to start biting
Kevin Burroughs: Put on the lightest lure I got an cast directly into the wind!!!!
Brandon Lilly: Cuss. Then I cuss.
Andrew ODea: I start swearing
Greg Dudley: I use it to my Advantage and put a Spinnerbait on, and work the Windy Shore!
Shawn Smith: We go drive my Ranger like we stole and took it too Arena Cross…Lol
Leonders Johnson: bounce a crawler off the rocky bottom
Kevin J Brooks: find a cove to fish in.
Freddie Hommes: i just troll to the other side of the island lol or opposite side of the lake ….i hate wind and do everything i can to avoid it lol
Beaver Slivinski: Turn the trolling up and drop the drift sock………except when I’m on a river, then I hide. If it’s too strong, I call it a day. Fishing isn’t a job, stay safe.
Dale Charles: Fish
Danny Michael Sexton: LOST MY KAYAK
Daniel Johnson: Cast with the wind…and use the chopiness for a topwater advantage
Latasha Long: Keep fishing til I see it lightening
Scotty Dont: Curse the wind god furiously…lol
Rodney Anderson: Go **Brrrr* and flip my hoodie over head then catch a nice 3lb largemouth 7 minutes later.
Bryan Sims: Keep right on fishing
Shawn Patrick: Head for a windward point or shoal with a steep drop off !!! Tight-lines
Joe Randolph: Have a fly rod so just cast tighter loops
Michael Fusté: I set the drag a lil tighter…
Jeff Wrubel: Crack one open
Shoreline Camps: On Big Lake we go to the leeward shore for the day or tuck behind an island and find a shoal to throw at.
Kevin Unger: Bounce a heavy jig or tube behind a drift.
Alex Kazama Riady: Either cast heavier lures or dial a higher brake on a baitcaster.
Arley Cope: keep fishing
Jason Cooley: Tie on the top water!
Curt Kummer: Use the wind, but usually it’s blowing towards me so in that case, add some weight and fish on.
Mike Moore II Fish the shore it’s blowing towards… And fish topwater
Daryl Williams: make them long cast!!
Daniel Robinson: Spot lock!!! Then chuckle at all the other boats fleeing & fighting it! Thank you I-pilot!!!
Jerry Queen: Go to heavier weight on my favorite worm
Brian Chamberlain: opened a beer and started all over
Allen Belew: Spinnerbait, rattle trap. Never give up!!!!!
Joe Wilson: I fish in rivers so its a bit more challenging but I like it .
Joe Wilson: Yes yes I a poet but its how no catch my fish and how I rember what to do .
Marc Troain: Throw my hood up and keep fishing!
David Terryberry: Cast away from the wind
Andrew Jennissen: Go to the banks and cast for the muskie!!
Tyler Talley: Hit a cove if on a lake. The river I fish is in a bottom with trees around it so not much wind around it. Probably throwing a spinner or a shallow diver.
Stan Baczynski: Head in to the launch ramp.
Brad Burkhart: Stop think’n and start crank’n
Kent Bishop: The wind always blow here in Pueblo, Cotton Cordell Super Spot do the job!
Jesse Shartzer: throw spinner bait on rock ledges
Chuck Merrill: fish the windblown shoreline
Chuck Miller: am ready for action!
Jeff Neels: If I am on St Claire I crap my pants
ßj ßnet: Change my strategy
Nate Theriault: put on a spinner bait n throw out the drift sock!
Randy Harbin: Break out the spinnerbait and roll with it!
Donald Adams: find a cove with the wind blowing into it and throw a tube bait.
Edward Lay: Throw a heavier jig
Jeff Ingebritson: Say bad words out loud.
David Sullivan: Get ready to start smokin em
Miles Pancoast: Throw a spinnerbait, favorite lure in windy conditions
Jonathan Cano: I face the wind and fish the shores the wind is blowing up against. Usually do well.
Tyler Mills: Turn my other 2 internal brakes on
Brian Prosser: Curse a meteorologist.
Jeff Glins: when from the east they bite the least, from the west they ite the best , from the south into their mouth, from the north time to drink a beer.
Peter Paul Boyko: but beer drinking happens all the time, doesn’t matter the wind direction. Just seems an easier feeling to deal with the wind
Dan Martin: Get pissed off and head in ill try for a little bit but if there’s no luck I’m out the susskys hard to fish with high winds
Steve Lopez: Enjoy the water no matter what. Realize that I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else
Rick Ott: Take my plastic off and go with something heavier!
Man, there were so many great answers. Most of them boil down to:
- Curse the wind
- Tie on a spinnerbait
- Tie on a heavier bait or weight.
- Drink more beer
- Fish a cove or quieter water.
- Fish the bank where the winds beating down -that’s were the bait fish go
- Cast with the wind
- Keep the line low to the water.
Thanks for all the great replies everyone!