Tag Archive for: Lake Erie

Finding Big Smallmouth Bass In Big Water

The Great Lakes have become amazing smallmouth bass fisheries…

Bass Elites Face Smallmouth Heartbreak

If you follow the Bass Anglers Elite Series, you probably already…
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Lake Erie Smallmouth Continue To Improve

In this recent article about Lake Erie, they discuss the effects…

Live bait fishing for small mouth bass on Lake Erie: Amazing success is only a dip away.

When booking a charter with me for small mouth bass on Lake Erie,…

Lake Erie Bass Tips and Tactics for Tube Lovers

By Jim Hanley The first time I was introduced to a "gitzit"…

Resurrection of Lake Erie and The Smallmouth Bass

Jim Hanley, a native of the Buffalo, New York area, has been…

Lake Erie Changing, We Must Prevent Asian Carp

Lake Erie is changing due to high phosphorous levels. It is causing…

Lake Erie Fishing Regulations – Fish Sanctuaries

There is a little known issue that concerns fishermen and boaters…
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Underwater Cannons For Round Goby Control?

Interesting stuff going on with the Round Gobys in the Great…

Smallmouth Bass Fishing on Lake Erie

Smallmouth bass fishing on Lake Erie is something that should…